Monday, October 7, 2019

Blink and Entrepreneurial Mindset Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Blink and Entrepreneurial Mindset - Essay Example The entrepreneur can be seen as a special breed of small business owners who are concerned with living life to the fullest. They understand a bigger picture as they are discovering how their business works. Entrepreneurs are often seen as free thinkers who are always looking for new ways to express their business and who are always looking for unique ways to get their business out to the public. Experts often say that the entrepreneurial mindset is key to the entrepreneurs ability to solve problems in a unique and interesting way. In the beginning sections of Gladwells book, the reader is introduced to several new concepts. He is most interested in the concept of instinct although he does not call it instinct. He calls it the ability to understand a lot of information through a small bit of information. This information comes within the "first two seconds" (p. 8) of obtaining information. He calls this concept, "thin-slicing" and further defines it as "the ability of our unconscious to find patterns in situations and behavior based on very narrow slices of experience" (p. 23). When looking at the entrepreneurial mindset, the entrepreneur has the ability to think-slice all the time. They are constantly moving forward and gathering small bits of information in order to find new and innovative ideas. Gladwell sees intuition as important because it works before the conscious mind begins and often gives the most information these first few seconds. Gladwell also discusses the concept of rhythm in that in human relationships a natural rhythm emerges. For the entrepreneur, this rhythm acts as a second sense for the entrepreneur that allows them to provide their best service to their customers because they can determine their needs easily. Gladwell explains that thin-slicing is an automatic and instinctual way of understanding information quickly in any situation. Thin-slicing particularly happens in the first few seconds when someone

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